Text Embedding

Text embeddings represent human language to computers, enabling tasks like semantic search. BotSharp supports a variety of Embedding methods, and supports the extension of more Embedding methods through engineering abstraction.

fastText embedding

FastText is an open-source, free, lightweight library that allows users to learn text representations and text classifiers. It works on standard, generic hardware. Models can later be reduced in size to even fit on mobile devices. In order to use the fastText embedding method, please make sure to install BotSharp.Plugin.MetaAI, and enable this plugin in your local settings. It is also necessary to download the pre-trained model of fastText and specify the location of the model in the settings.

"PluginLoader": {
    "Assemblies": [
    "Plugins": [

"KnowledgeBase": {
    "TextEmbedding": "fastTextEmbeddingProvider"

"MetaAi": {
  "fastText": {
    "ModelPath": "crawl-300d-2M-subword.bin"


LLamaSharp also provides an LLM embedding. For more operation methods of LLamaSharp, please refer to its repo address . You need to download the corresponding LLM open source model like llama2 to the local.

"PluginLoader": {
    "Assemblies": [
    "Plugins": [

"KnowledgeBase": {
    "TextEmbedding": "LLamaSharp.TextEmbeddingProvider"

"LlamaSharp": {
    "ModelPath": "llama-2-7b-chat.ggmlv3.q3_K_S.bin"

TensorFlow BERT

Train your own embedding

You can also train an embedding model yourself from scratch using TensorFlow.NET.