
BotSharp adopts a plug-in architecture design, and the modules are independent of each other. With Conversation as the core, each plug-in completes various functionalities (such as adding LLM provider and Text Embedding provider) through the Hook mechanism. Regarding the Hooks provided by the system, you can refer to the special Hook section.

Here we will introduce how to add a new plug-in to extend your LLM application. We still use the example of PizzaBot to illustrate how to complete this task.

  1. Add Class Library Added a new class library called BotSharp.Plugin.PizzaBot and add referece to the web start application

  2. Implement Interface Add a new class named PizzaBotPlugin and implement interface IBotSharpPlugin.

    namespace BotSharp.Plugin.PizzaBot;
    public class PizzaBotPlugin : IBotSharpPlugin
        public void RegisterDI(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration config)
            // Register callback function
            services.AddScoped<IFunctionCallback, MakePaymentFn>();
            // Register hooks
            services.AddScoped<IAgentHook, PizzaBotAgentHook>();
  3. Add to Settings Add plugin to appsettings.json.

    "PluginLoader": {
        "Assemblies": [

After starting the web project, you should see a successful loading message printed in the Console.

Loaded plugin PizzaBotPlugin from BotSharp.Plugin.PizzaBot.