Agent Hook

Agent Hook allows you to dynamically modify the Agent in your business code, such as adding callback functions and modifying system prompt words. Agent Hook is defined through IAgentHook:

bool OnAgentLoading(ref string id);
bool OnInstructionLoaded(string template, Dictionary<string, object> dict);
bool OnFunctionsLoaded(List<FunctionDef> functions);
bool OnSamplesLoaded(ref string samples);
void OnAgentLoaded(Agent agent);

Register custom hook in plugin

public class MyPlugin : IBotSharpPlugin
    public void RegisterDI(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration config)
        // Register Hooks
        services.AddScoped<IAgentHook, MyAgentHook>();

Add a new class inherts from AgentHookBase abstract class which has interface of IAgentHook.

public class MyAgentHook : AgentHookBase
    public MyAgentHook(IServiceProvider services, AgentSettings settings) 
        : base(services, settings)

Inject function

You can dynamically inject the LLM Callback function into the currently loaded Agent through Agent Hook.

public class MyAgentHook : AgentHookBase
    public MyAgentHook(IServiceProvider services, AgentSettings settings) 
        : base(services, settings)

    public override bool OnFunctionsLoaded(List<FunctionDef> functions)
        // Inject LLM callback function
        functions.Add(new FunctionDef
            Name = "function_name",
            Description = "description of how LLM will utilize this function."
        return base.OnFunctionsLoaded(functions);

Implement the concrete function of IFunctionCallback.

public class MyFunctionFn : IFunctionCallback
    public string Name => "function_name";

    public async Task<bool> Execute(RoleDialogModel message)
        // Access external API
        message.ExecutionResult = new object();
        return true;